Keep Learning, by Lucas Húngaro Knowledge is never enough

Increasing your productivity by eliminating distractions

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27 Aug 2009 – São Paulo, SP – Brazil

(or: How I learned to stop worrying and unsubscribed from feeds)

No, I’m still not a super-hyper-productive person, but here’s how I managed to increase my productivity using some tricks (and the awesome operational system that is Mac OS X with some wonderful applications on top of it):

Some actions are really hard to take, like getting rid of your feed subscriptions – especially because nerds/geeks usually are bragging about how many feed subscriptions they have. It’s plain stupidity, like competing to see who stays up coding for more time and sleep less.

Anyway, give it a try. You will miss the things you really need (I recommend trying for at least 10 days) and can get them back anytime you want.

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